
Natural fog system

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Natural fog system

In the natural fog production system, water is jetted out through special nozzles, associated with special construction technology

with hydraulic pumps with very high pressure and encompasses the surrounding space as dense fog in short term and is manifested beautifully. Considering 100% changing water into fog and stability and durability of fog at the lowest possible level of the land, this system is used to maintain the green spaces and forests, greenhouses, parks and create the required humidity and prevent air dryness in industrial plants and animal breeding industries and generally any space which needs controllable humidity. By applying and mixing different colorful lights and matching between the desired music and created fog, convert the water spaces and green spaces of urban parks into fancy and dreamy spaces, to reduce the simplicity of the parks and add to the diversity of recreational welfare services to the people while creating a beautiful, joyful and air pollution- free environment. From the home portable systems, you can easily cover with fog the area of the roof, the alcoves, the home gardens, the home greenhouses, and any space you consider.