
Film show on the water Screen

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Film show on the water Screen

In this system, water is jetted out with very powerful and high-pressure pumps and through special nozzle from water surface upward, creating a silver curtain with the minimum thickness of 1 mm and with its fine particles and a film show on it and its virtual state give the viewer a feeling that the viewer thinks that he/she is falling or flying in the sky and creates such attraction that should be experienced and felt in real-time.

The film show on the water curtain is more beautiful than the screen due to its unique optical effects, and when the film is shown, the colors are very clear, and considering the transparency of the water curtain, there will be more pleasing forms and the closeness of the viewer to the images is more realistic. The transparency of the water curtain and the steam resulting from it create many colorful images and new and imaginative visual images as compared with the cloth curtains, large, imaginative, distinctive and colorful images, the magical and fascinating effects arouse emotional reaction of the viewers well and increase their happiness. Such cinema is visible, particularly in summer nights.